Peijun Shi


Peijun Shi

Dr. Shi is a professor of geography, the president of Qinghai Normal University, the former executive vice president of Beijing Normal University. He is the deputy dean of the Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management, Ministry of Emergency Management and Ministry of Education of China. Dr. Shi is an academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences. He is the co-chair of the scientific committee of the Integrated Risk Governance Project, a core project of Future Earth and the International Human Dimensions Programme of Global Environmental Change. Dr. Shi also services as the member of the UNISDR Scientific and Technical Advisory Group, the chairman of the Asia Scientific and Technical Advisory Group for DRR, the jury member of the Volvo Environment Prize, the vice chairman of The Expert Committee of National Disaster Reduction Commission of China, the vice chairman of The Insurance Society of China, and the member of the Expert Group of the State Emergency Management Office under The State Council of China. Dr. Shi’s research focuses on the theory of natural disasters and risk management.