
Preamble: The Committee for DRR seeks to strengthen the long-standing International Science Council (ISC) leadership in advancing Disaster Risk Reduction. The International Council of Scientific Unions (the predecessor to ISC) coordinated and represented the science and technology communities in preparation to the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction that reported the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The ISC and the UN Office on Disaster Risk Reduction co-sponsor the Sendai Hazard Definition and Classification Review to further define the Sendai Framework to provide consistent awareness and terminology to strengthen and clarify actions in support of the Sendai Framework and improved societal well-being.


The Committee Charge:

ISC GeoUnions Standing Committee on Disaster and Risk Reduction will identify and encourage activities of global scientific communities for the implementation of the Sendai Framework as further defined by the  ISC.


The Committee will work to:

Ÿ   Facilitate communications amongst international geoscience bodies, governmental and non-governmental organizations to identify, support and advance initiatives to implement the Sendai Framework through interdisciplinary action.

Ÿ   Coordinate and support implementation initiatives for disaster risk management in accord with the principles and goals of the Sendai Framework.

Ÿ   Organize conferences and workshops at regional and global level to advance disaster risk management initiatives.

Ÿ   Advise on the rationale and role that science should play in the disaster risk management and work to strengthen that rationale and role.

Ÿ   Increase the awareness and action by the GeoUnions in Disaster Risk Reduction and the implementation of the Sendai Framework as further defined by the ISC report and focus that interest through the publications of the periodic reports on its progress.

Ÿ   Seek for proper financing to continue its activities. The Committee will work with the ISC and possible other donors and/or agencies to consider options for adequate funding.

Ÿ   Release statements on DRR from time to time on changing situation.


Committee Leadership and Structure:

The Committee will meet a minimum of four times per year to identify and approve actions by the Committee. Meetings may be held physical, virtual, or hybrid-wise. Committee leadership will be determined by a vote of the Committee Membership. Every two years the Committee will hold at least one membership meeting for the election of leadership. The leadership will include a Chair and a Co-Chair position. Each holds a term of three years; re-election is possible for one more period.

Chairperson: Orhan ALTAN, (The founding member Dr. Altan serves as the first Committee Chair since June 2020).

Co-Chairperson: To be determined by Committee vote from one of the GeoUnion representatives (By unanimous vote: Hiroshi Kitazato, IUGS – 15 Sept, 2020).

Committee Membership: In addition to the two leadership positions cited above, the Committee Membership will include a maximum of 10 regular voting members. The representatives of the GeoUnions will comprise the sustaining members as nominated by their respective GeoUnions. The nine GeoUnions are listed below. It is recommended that the GeoUnions identify a second nominee to act as stand-in for and advisor to the representative.

Additional, guest positions will be assigned to persons from selected global organizations both governmental and civilian. The selection will be enacted through a majority vote of the Committee.

Voting: The chairperson plus each GeoUnions representative will have one vote. Committee decisions should be reached by consensus. In the event of a tie vote, the chairperson will cast the deciding vote. Guests will have no vote.

Secretary: The Committee welcomes the resource of the Secretary, provided by the Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture University to its support.


The GeoUnions (GUs) of the International Science Council:

·  International Astronomical Union (IAU)

·  International Cartographic Association (ICA)

·  International Geographical Union (IGU)

·  International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)

·  International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)

·  International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)

·  International Union of Quaternary Research (INQUA)

·  International Union of Radio Sciences (URSI)

·  International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS)



·  UNDRR | Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2015, 36 pages.

·  UNDRR | Sendai Framework Monitor (SFM).

·  ISDR, PPEW | International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Platform for the Promotion of Early Warning.

·  ISC | Hazard Definition & Classification Review: Technical Report.