Madhu Chandra


Madhu Chandra

Prof. Chandra studied mathematics and physics at the universities of Cambridge, London and Salford, obtaining B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Universities of London and Salford, respectively, in 1978 and 1981.


After serving in the academic staff at the University of Bradford (UK) and as group leader at DLR (German Aerospace Research Centre), Prof. Chandra has been holding, since 2001, the chair for Microwave Engineering and Electromagnetic Theory at the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany.


Prof. Chandra’s area of research interest and expertise include: Multi-parameter radars, wave propagation and scattering, and remote sensing.


Prof. Chandra is the recipient of the IEE best paper award and the URSI young scientist award for his contributions in the field of wave propagation in polarimetric-Doppler radar. He has also served as: the URSI Commission-F chair both at the national and international level, Dean of the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Chemnitz University. Prof. Chandra has also served as the chairman of the council of all German faculties of electrical engineering and information technology.


Prof. Chandra, in addition to being on the reviewer’s panel for EU projects, has himself served as the principal investigator in several EU sponsored projects in the field of radar remote sensing. To date, he has published more than 150 papers in refereed conference proceedings and research journals in the field of multi-parameter radars remote sensing and has more than 40 years of professional experience in higher education and in research on using multi-parameter radar remote sensing.


Prof. Chandra grew up in Britain, is married, and has two daughters.