Edoardo A.C. Costantini
I am an agronomist with a specialization in Pedology and I have carried out research work on soil genesis, classification, mapping, and conservation in Europe, Asia, and Central and South America. I have over 30 years of experience in leading international projects focused on Sustainable Soil Management; Soil Restoration and Conservation; Digital Soil Mapping and Geodatabases; Land Suitability for Winegrape and other Quality Crops. Until the end of 2018, I was Research Director at the Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment of the Italian Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA). In former years, I was Acting Director of the Research Centre for Agrobiology and Pedology of CREA in Florence and previously I was professor of Pedology at the University of Siena. Currently, I cooperate with the European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) and participate to an Operational Group in Italy. I do professional work as teacher and adviser on soil and plant relationships and soil conservation for farmers, students, and professionals. I am the President Elect of the International Union of Soil Sciences, secretary of the European Soil Science Society, member of the Georgofili Academy and of the Italian National Academy of Agriculture. In 2017 I received the Norman Hudson Memorial Award of the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC) and in 2019 the Gerold Richter Award of the European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC). In Google Scholar I have 344 scientific papers, 2770 citations, h-index: 30, i10-index: 83.