ISC-GUST-DRR Committee Presents a Thematic Seminar in Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Visits IRDR Headquarters
发布时间:2024-06-25 浏览次数:69次
      The International Science Council GeoUnions Standing Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction (ISC-GUST-DRR), a non-profit international academic organization established by more than ten leading geoscience organizations worldwide, presented a thematic seminar at the School of Geomatics and Urban Spatial Informatics, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, on May 25, 2024. The event aimed to foster international exchange in the field of disaster risk reduction based on geoscience knowledge.
      During the seminar, ISC-GUST-DRR Committee Chairman Orhan Altan (Istanbul Technical University, representing ISC), committee members including Professor Sisi Zlatanova (University of New South Wales, representing ISPRS), Professor Peijun Shi (Beijing Normal University, representing IGU), Professor Jie Jiang (Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, representing ISPRS), and the new committee secretary Runjie Wang (Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture), shared their latest research findings and work plans in the field of disaster risk reduction. In addition, young faculty members Xian Guo and Shisong Cao from the School of Geomatics and Urban Spatial Informatics in Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, along with several graduate students engaged in related research, presented their research works and engaged in in-depth discussions with the committee members.
      The seminar discussion yielded constructive comments and suggestions, and consensus was reached on future collaborative directions. Professor Peijun Shi presented on the progress of the IHDP/Future Earth-Integrated Risk Governance Programme (IRGP), results from China’s first national comprehensive natural disaster risk survey, and the organization of upcoming international conferences on systemic risks and multiple crises prevention, as well as international student summer camps. Professor Orhan Altan discussed ISC's plans in disaster risk reduction, while Professor Sisi Zlatanova provided insights into the upcoming "Geographic Information Services for Disaster Management" conference in Brazil. Professor Jie Jiang outlined the development of low-altitude 3D navigation map data models and standards for urban disaster reduction. Other presentations included the work on 3D reconstruction of complex urban scenes using multimodal remote sensing data from Dr. Xian Guo, the research on composite drought risk assessment and driving factors analysis in Nepal from Associate Professor Shisong Cao, and the investigation into high-dynamic monitoring of urban infrastructure micro-deformations using multi-source remote sensing from Associate Professor Runjie Wang. Following the presentations, attendees engaged in in-depth discussions, offering constructive feedback and suggestions for the young faculty members' research. They also discussed future collaborative plans, such as sharing disaster reduction data through the ISC-GUST-DRR website, co-organizing international student summer camps, and jointly holding academic conferences.
      After the seminar, members of the ISC-GUST-DRR Committee visited the headquarters of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), where they had detailed discussions with IRDR Executive Director Professor Qunli Han and Scientific Director Fang Lian. The discussions focused on the plans to collaboratively organize a series of specialized meetings on integrated disaster risk research, aiming to strengthen international cooperation and collectively enhance global disaster risk management capabilities.
      The visit and seminar have injected new vitality into the collaboration between the ISC-GUST-DRR Committee and Chinese academic institutions, setting a foundation for future international academic exchanges and cooperative endeavors. The ISC-GUST-DRR Committee anticipates working hand in hand with Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, as well as other partners, to achieve significant strides in mitigating disaster risks and contributing to the development of a shared human destiny.